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Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Injections


If you’ve ever suffered from Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain, there’s no mistaking the sharp, stabbing pains that can shoot through your body. The pain usually starts in your lower back, buttocks, leg or thigh. It’s a sudden, debilitating pain that can prevent you from being active. Temporary pain relief is usually no match and only provides short-term relief, so it may be time to consider a non-surgical and longer lasting option that provides total pain relief: a SI joint injection. At Regenerative Sports, Spine & Spa we offer SI joint injections as a pain management solution to help you regain your life and mobility again – pain-free.


How Does a SI Joint Injection Work?

The sacroiliac (SI) joint injection – also called a sacroiliac joint block – is a non-surgical option that relieves chronic pain from the sacroiliac joint. It contains a corticosteroid medication, which relieves pain and inflammation, and provides pain relief over an extended period of time. The quick procedure takes less than one hour, and you’ll feel pain relief in 2 to 4 days, which should last for several months.


Effective Relief from These Symptoms:

A SI Joint Injection provides extended pain relief, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Lower back – usually only on one side (or leg pain) that is sharp or stabbing
  • Discomfort when bending or standing after sitting for long periods
  • Thigh and/or buttock pain that possibly radiates down the sciatic nerve
  • Radiating numbness or a tingling sensation from the lower spine to the back of the leg
  • Pain may improve when lying down