10920 Moss Park Rd Suite 218 Orlando, Florida 32832

Blog Archive

The Regenerative Power That Lies Within Your Bones Jul 10th, 2023

When you’re suffering from arthritis pain or it’s taking longer than you expected to recover from an injury, you may find it hard to believe that your body has everything it needs to repair your diseased or damaged tissue and alleviate your discomfort.  Your body is filled with proteins, growth...

June Is Men's Health Month Jun 26th, 2023

Did you know that June is National Men’s Health Month here in the US?  This is often over looked as Pride Month gets a lot of attention, but being that we are a practice that advocates for natural healing, let’s give the men a shout out in this blog and...

Erectile Dysfunction and Regenerative Medicine Jun 12th, 2023

Did you know that 18% of men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED)?  If you can’t have an erection or maintain the erection long enough for sex, you have erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s all too common for men to occasionally have erectile dysfunction, usually caused by temporary concerns like stress, fatigue,...

Stem Cells and Back Pain May 29th, 2023

  Consider this: Approximately 80% of the adult population in the United States will experience low back pain in their life. Low back pain also accounts for one of the main reasons for missed work days nationwide. Furthermore, of that 80%, about 8% of back pain sufferers will experience chronic,...

How To Choose The Right Doctor for Stem Cell Therapy May 15th, 2023

WIth so much push for stem cell therapy and so many different types of doctors out there offering this as a treatment option, how do you know who to trust when considering these treatments? Answering this question is the focus of the blog this week.  If you were to do...

Which "Stem Cell Treatment" Is The Best For Me May 1st, 2023

Regenerative medicine has become quite the buzz today in the medical world. With so much about baseball players getting a “PRP” shot in their elbow and the likes of Tony Robbins writing a book about it or even it being mentioned at every doctor and chiropractic office in your immediate...

Stem Cell Therapy and The Recovery Process Apr 13th, 2023

One of the many questions we get in regards to stem cell therapy is, “How long will the recovery process take?” Or, “How long will it be before I start to feel better?” Just like most things in healthcare, there isn’t one answer that applies to everyone, especially when it...

Become a Better You with PRP Therapy for Hair Loss Mar 13th, 2020

It’s normal for your scalp to lose as many as 100 hairs a day. Though that may sound like a lot, in most cases, these hairs grow back. But if you’re one of the millions of men and women suffering from male- or female-patterned baldness, the hair you lose each...

Why You Should See a Doctor After a Car Accident Even if You Don’t Feel Pain — Yet Jan 14th, 2020

A great deal of the population drives almost every single day. With four million miles of public roads across the lower 48 states, there’s a lot of asphalt to cover. Unfortunately, these miles and miles of roads lend themselves to car accidents.  If you’ve been in a car accident, Dr....

Invest in Yourself with Regenerative Medicine for Pain Dec 5th, 2019

What are you asking for this holiday season? New shoes, tickets to sports games, another kitchen appliance? Perhaps there’s something a bit (a lot) more impactful you can receive this year: improved health.  If you suffer from chronic pain — which millions of Americans do — consider investing in pain...

Can Traditional Epidural Injections or Nerve Blocks Actually Help Your Pain? Nov 1st, 2019

Chronic pain can be a debilitating health issue that forces you to give up the activities you love. It can be frustrating and difficult to treat since everyone experiences pain differently.  If you have ongoing pain, it’s important to learn about your treatment options. Nerve blocks and epidural injections are...

Your Hormones Could Be Keeping You From Losing Weight Oct 7th, 2019

Unless you’re going through adolescence, perimenopause, or menopause, neither you nor your doctor probably think that much about hormones. If you’re a man, your doctor may never have even mentioned your hormone levels during your annual checkup. But both men and women undergo shifts in their hormones as they age...

Here’s How PRP Therapy Can Change Your Sex Life Sep 10th, 2019

If you’re struggling with low libido, painful intercourse, erectile dysfunction, or something else that’s interfering with your sex life, keep reading. Dr. Pallavi Cherukupally here at Regenerative Sport, Spine & Spa wants you to know about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and how it can improve your sex life.  What is...

Recovering From a Sports Injury? PRP Can Get You Active Again Faster Aug 16th, 2019

It doesn’t matter if you’re a weekend warrior, an elite-level athlete, or anywhere in between. Participating in sports often means dealing with injuries arising from the activity. These can be minor, such as twists, muscle aches, or light sprains; or they can be serious, including torn ligaments or broken bones....

Don't Suffer From Joint Pain — Learn How Regenerative Medicine Can Help You Jul 1st, 2019

A recent report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about 23% of all American adults have arthritis. The severity of discomfort of joint pain can range from a minor and occasional soreness to a constant ache or pain that affects your lifestyle. Don’t let chronic...

How Stem Cell Therapy Can Work to Improve Your Back Pain Jun 12th, 2019

Nearly 80% of adults in the United States experience low back pain at one time or another. Many live with chronic pain for years without relief. A new treatment, stem cell therapy, may help. Tapping into our body’s own remarkable healing system, Dr. Pallavi Cherukupally MD and our team of...

Statement from IOF President on the New York Times Article “An Unproven Cure” May 31st, 2019

As President of the Interventional Orthopedic Foundation, it was with great interest that I read the article by Denise Grady and Reed Abelson: “An Unproven Cure”. This article notes that “stem cell treatments have risen, despite little evidence they work” and goes on to note that “rogue clinics are accused of...

Where Do Stem Cells Come from and How do They Work? May 16th, 2019

Stem cells are revolutionizing medical treatments. The use of stem cells is still very new, but the results are promising. Especially for treating musculoskeletal pain. So, what exactly are stem cells and why are they so special? The cells in your body have a specific mission. Stem cells are different....

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): Why it's a Game Changer for Treating Aging Joints Apr 30th, 2019

It isn’t easy growing older, especially when you start developing degenerative joint conditions like osteoarthritis. This condition affects more than 30 million American men and women and causes several symptoms, including: Aches or pains Stiffness or swelling Reduced range of motion and flexibility Here in Orlando, Florida, Dr. Pallavi Cherukupally...